Proper Keyboarding Techniques

What is Keyboarding (also known as "Touch Typing")?
Touch typing is an automatic or sub-conscious skill, where all ten fingers are used. It enables fast and accurate entry of characters onto the computer screen, without looking down at the keyboard and without searching for keys.

Keyboarding Objectives for the 9 weeks:
  • To obtain adequate keyboarding skills that will enable you to use the computer more efficiently and effectively and be more productive.
  • To practice and develop your keyboarding skills; as well as, improve your speed and accuracy.
  • To key three pages in an entire sitting, or type at least 30 WPM. 
Learning Targets:
·        I can apply keyboarding concepts to the real world and evaluate ways they are making me college and career ready.
·        I can type using proper keyboarding techniques, which enable me to be a more efficient and productive computer user. 

Typing using correct keyboarding techniques will ensure you...
 Are able to type faster
 Are able to type without looking down at the keyboard
 Will make fewer mistakes
 Will get tired less often when typing long documents
 Are more prepared for college courses that require the use of computers
 Are more likely to obtain employment in a business or office setting

Why are keyboard skills so important?
      Studies have shown that students who can touch type learn other desktop applications 40% faster.
      Reduces the time you spend typing documents.
      Reduces the strain on your body.
      Keyboarding skills are a requirement in today’s digital age – most school assignments are submitted electronically and 90% of business documents are electronic.
      Ideas and information can be recorded at 3-5 times the rate of handwriting

Quick Facts:
      The average handwriting speed is 22 WPM
      The average typing speed is 40 WPM, a skilled typist will type between 60-100 WPM.
      One page paper = 250 words
      20 WPM = 13 minutes
      10 page paper = 130 minutes *over 2 hours
      60 WPM = 4 minutes
      10 page paper = 40 minutes *less than an hour
      Average presentation = spoken at 100 WPM

Typing Goals in WPM (words per minute):
6th Grade: 30 WPM
7th Grade: 35 WPM
8th Grade: 40 WPM
9th Grade: 45 WPM
                     Adult: 60 WPM or higher

What is the official name of the Keyboard?   Qwerty  
What key should be used to make a capital letter?   Shift on opposite hand
What key moves your cursor to a new line?   Enter  

Keyboarding Technique Checklist
Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is your back straight?
  • Is your body centered in front of the G & H keys?
  • Is your neck straight and not twisted?
  • Are your wrists straight and off the keyboard?
  • Are your elbows bent at your side?
  • Are your feet in front of your chair?
  • Are your feet flat on the floor with 6 or 7 inches between the ankles?
  • Is one foot slightly ahead of the other?
  • Are your fingers curved?
  • Are your fingertips touching the home keys?
  • Are you using the correct fingers on each key?
  • Are you keeping your eyes straight ahead without looking down?
  • Do you press and release the keys quickly, like they’re hot?
  • Do you key at an even pace with a steady rhythm?
  • Do you return to home-key position quickly after reaches?
  • Do you use your writing-hand thumb for the Space bar?
  • Are you using the opposite hand’s pinky to make a capital letter?